Gameshark Hacking & GT2 Hybrid Cars
A "Joker" is the games address location for controller input. All games have them, usually a few. There is a "master" joker thats supposed to work with all games, it starts with "D4" you can read about it in the "Datel Code Types" doc. I have heard it can be glitchy and doesen't work for older carts. You will find that there are many times when you don't want a code to be active all the time, many can't be or you get crashes, lockups. To work around this you will need an"activator"code. An activator "D0" or "E0" code type is an "equal to" code. It tells the shark" if memory location holds value xxxx then activate next code,if not do nothing." A joker is cool because you can activate your codes with the press of a button. There are 4 types of jokers. Normal, Reverse, Max normal and Max reverse. I made a chart that has all the jokers and the button values both in hex and dec, it's at the bottom of this page. To hack a joker i use the "known Value" search option. All you do is start with the "Normal" joker button values. First do a search with no buttons pressed for values 00000 remember this is decimal value, go back to game then press O button and do a search for val 00032, go back to game and hold left directional button now do a search for val 32768. I like to use the left direction button because when you activate to test it's easy to tell if it's working, the person or object will keep going left. If you still have alot of possible's repeat the procedure above. If you get O possible then do reset code generator and search for "Reverse" joker values the same way. NOTE: for the "Max" joker types when you search with no buttons pressed the val is 65535. See chart below for all button values. Once you have found the address for the joker and are ready to enter it as an activator you just replace the "80" part of the address with "D0" and use the button value that you want to activate it, then list the code you want it to activate underneath it. You will have to use a "D0" for each code you want activated. As in
you can't use
D0xxxxxx 0001
80123456 xxxx
80123457 xxxx you would have to use
D0xxxxxx 0001
80123456 xxxx
D0xxxxxx 0001
80123457 xxxx